Tuesday 19 April 2011

Bosnian exhibition - serif type trial.

The original Rescuers design was all sans serif type faces, which gave it a particular look. The first prototype in Gill sans was a way of keeping in line with that look, but finding a typeface that can accommodate all of the glyphs needed for the Bosnian language. But, I thought it could be good to play around with serif typefaces as well.

This collection of serif typefaces offer different qualities, each which contribute to its legibility. Some, such as Hoefler Text, might not be as nice to read in large blocks as Adobe Garamond might be.

 I went hunting and came across some great trypefaces that I haven't used before. One that struck me as particularly nice is Bergamo Pro (by Fontsite Inc: http://www.fontsite.com/download-fonts-a-b/bergamo-pro/). When highlighting and changing the text from Gill Sans to Bergamo Pro, though, I had to be careful with glyphs, as the picture shows below. I made the Gills Sans glyph red, so you can see where Bergamo had no automatically changed over the letters. I found the right glyph in the type face, but manually changing all of them might not be ideal when dealing with 24 panels of text.

The red glyph is in Gill Sans, left in there by Bergamot Pro when I highlighted the text and changed the font. The glyph to the right of it is the one I manually inserted.

The testing on fonts today in a mock up design has proved very valuable. I can assess how a typeface might behave in a work flow situation, and also test whether or not it can do the job in a multi-lingual application.

In terms of the legibility of Bergamo, I suspect the letter spacing might be a bit too wide for the size the type has to be (large!). However, I do think it's a lovely type, and could work well.

Click on the image to see the type at 100%. Bergamo Pro regular.

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